Town Board Resolution Supporting Creation of Bronx River Parkway Reservation, Mar. 18, 1907
 Entire Record

This 1907 Town Board resolution, adopted unanimously at a special meeting called for this purpose, is illustrative of how many layers of government were involved in establishing the Bronx River Parkway Reservation.  The resolution notes the need to prevent pollution of the Bronx River and to create a reservation of the lands on either side of the stream. It calls for the establishment of a parkway, authorizes the taking of lands for all these purposes and the payment this would require. The resolution approves the appointment of a commission to undertake this task and, referencing a bill before the state legislature, calls upon the Senator representing Westchester and all the Assemblymen to “do all in their power to secure the passage of this act.” Finally, the board appoints it own counsel to represent the town at hearings on this legislation.

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Title Town Board Resolution Supporting Creation of Bronx River Parkway Reservation, Mar. 18, 1907 Format Bound
Repository Office of the Town Clerk, Eastchester Number of Pages 1
Collection Town Board Meeting Minutes, Vol. for 1907, p. 158 Dimensions 9" x 15.5"
Call Number   Transcription NA
Creator M.E. Tiffany, Town Clerk jpeg File Name minutes158.jpg
Creation Date Mar. 18, 1907 tif File Name minutes158.tif

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