Otis Elevator Company's Incorporation Records, 1883
 Entire Record

This 1883 incorporation record for the Otis Elevator Company, once one of Yonkers’ largest and most influential employers, is part of a collection documenting the commercial development of Westchester. The certificates of incorporation and later amendments included in this collection provide a record of Westchester’s business institutions, some of which no longer exist, such as ice delivery companies and private gas and electric utilities. Included are records of fraternal organizations, as well as some churches and cemeteries.

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Title Otis Elevator Company Incorporation Records Format Bound Volume
Repository Westchester County Archives Number of Pages 4
Collection Series 45: Incorporations, 1876-1926 Dimensions 11" x 16"
Call Number A-0050(1) Transcription Not of this specific record. But , an index for the years 1876 to 1914 (available at the Archives) is organized by name, town, date and type of business or organization
Creator Westchester County Clerk jpeg File Name otisIncorp1-4.jpg
Creation Date 1883 tif File Name otisIncorp1-4.tif

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