Guion Memorial Picture, ca. 1835
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The Guion Memorial Picture is executed in needlework on a painted canvas background, with decoupage figures of the Guion family mounted on it. It was made by Sarah Park Guion, aged about 15, to memorialize her father, Monmouth Hart Guion, who died in 1823. It depicts the family gathered in the graveyard of the White Plains Presbyterian Church, and it shows several of the important motifs common in mourning art – the urn, willow trees and oak trees. The Guion picture is an exceptionally fine example of mourning art, which was popular in the early decades of the 19th century.

This record is also associated with:
White Plains

Title Guion Memorial Picture, ca. 1835 Format Needlework, watercolor and decoupage
Repository Westchester County Historical Society Number of Pages 1
Collection Dimensions 23" x 30"
Call Number Transcription No
Creator Sarah Park Guion jpeg File Name guionPicture.jpg
Creation Date Ca. 1835 tif File Name guionPicture.tif

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