[An Analysis of] Census of County of Westchester, 1845
 Entire Record

This record is a statistical compilation, summarizing the data compiled in the New York State Census of 1845 for Westchester County. It lays out all the demographic features for each of the 22 communities in Westchester at the time. Although it does not include individual names or personal information, it provides valuable data on the total number of residents and the number of residents falling into various categories, such as race, gender, citizenship status, eligibility for military service, etc. In addition, it shows how many acres of land were improved for cultivation, as well as the amount of acreage dedicated to particular crops. It also includes the value of goods produced by various businesses and the number of tradesmen and professionals in each community. It is an excellent snapshop of life in Westchester in 1845.

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Title Census of County of Westchester, 1845 Format Unbound printed form, completed by hand
Repository Eastchester Historical Society Number of Pages 5
Collection   Dimensions 30" x 18.5"
Call Number   Transcription No
Creator   jpeg File Name census1845_1-5.jpg
Creation Date 1845 tif File Name census1845_1-5.tif

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