Westchester Temporary Home for Destitute Children, Admission/Discharge Records, 1884-1892
 Entire Record

The Westchester Temporary Home was founded in 1880 in Pleasantville by concerned county citizens, when New York State passed a law forbidding alms houses from keeping children over the age of two. The Home was moved to White Plains in 1885. Recorded in two volumes covering 1884-1892 are the names of children received into the Home and those discharged, either to their parents or to foster homes. Some of the children were placed out and returned several times, while a few found permanent homes with loving families. As shown by the few pages exhibited, these records document an early attempt in Westchester to help needy children.

This record is also associated with:
White Plains

Title Westchester Temporary Home for Destitute Children, Admission/Discharge Records, 1884-1892 Format Bound
Repository Westchester County Historical Society Number of Pages 4
Collection Manuscripts Dimensions 13" x 8"
Call Number Mss. Box 39 #3 Transcription No
Creator Westchester Temporary Home for Destitute Children jpeg File Name childrenVol14_2.jpg, childrenVol14_3.jpg, childrenVol15_36.jpg, childrenVol15_37.jpg
Creation Date April 4, 1882-February 16, 1892 tif File Name childrenVol14_2.tif, childrenVol14_3.tif, childrenVol15_36.tif, childrenVol15_37.tif

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